Since 2018 every summer gather one of the biggest communities in Canada, the hispanics. According to the results that have exceeded all expectations, this year, and for the first time we will host three-day event showcases of music, food, art, dance, and performances from Latin America entertaining.
▫️Promote the culture and traditions of Latin
American in Canada.
▫️Highlight the work of Latin groups by
supporting and promoting Latin American
▫️Provide Hamiltonians and visitors a venue in which the Latin / Hispanic culture gathers to joyously celebrate it’s heritage.
▫️Organize the largest national gathering of the Latin communities every year.
▫️ Promote our mission through increased
community awareness.
Hamilton Latin Festival aims to provide these community with a showcase of cultural expression and festival goers with the opportunity to celebrate their acquired social and legal rights through advocacy and community events as well as cultural and festive activities. We seek to become the number one Hamilton's signature cultural events and a legacy.